Qué ganas tenía de compartir esta guía de viaje con vosotras!! Me habéis hecho bastantes preguntas sobre esta escapada, así que en este post y otro que haré sobre pueblecitos de la Alsacia trataré de resumirlo todo!!
Nuestro viaje ha durado cuatro días en los que, básicamente, hemos visitado Estrasburgo, Colmar, Eguisheim y Frankfurt.
Volamos desde Madrid a Frankfurt, casi todo el mundo lo hace así porque la ruta es directa y suele haber vuelos a precios más económicos. Una vez en el aeropuerto de Frankfurt, cogimos un tren de unas dos horas aproximadamente de duración que nos llevó hasta la ciudad de Estrasburgo.
A la hora de bsucar alojamiento teníamos claro que lo mejor sería quedarnos lo más cerca posible de la Petite France, una de las zonas más turísticas de la ciudad. Finalmente nos hospedamos en el Hotel Kaijoo, pertenece a la cadena Happy Culture y fue una cierto rotundo. Tardamos 5 minutos a pie a la estación de tren, lo que nos permitió ir caminando tanto el día que llegamos como el que nos fuimos, no necesitamos tomar ningún medio de transporte. Nuestra habitación era familiar, contábamos con una cama matrimonial y, al menos seis camas individuales. El desayuno del hotel fue simplemente exquisito, destacando su bollería y sus quesos, como no podía ser de otro modo en Francia.
Toda la zona de la Petite France rodea el hotel, y la zona comercial también está muy cercana. No podéis dejar de visitar la catedral, es un monumento imponente, la entrada es gratuita y como curiosidad os diré que su campanario fue el edificio más alto del mundo durante más de dos siglos. Cuando estéis allí comprobaréis que desde cerca es difícil hacerle una foto y que se vea entera!
Otra parte de la ciudad digna de visitar es en la que se encuentran ubicadas las sedes de las instituciones europeas. Nosotras no entramos a visitarlas ya que por horario no nos encajó bien, pero si lo planeáis sí podéis hacerlo. Para ir allí podéis coger un uber o un tranvía.
A parte de queso (algo que me encanta) probé la tarte flambée, un plato típico de la región. A todo el mundo le he explicado lo que es de este modo: una especie de pizza, pero con la base de un crepe, para mi gusto, delicioso.
En cuanto al tiempo, si sois rápidas y no váis a entrar en muchos museos, con un día o día y medio es más que suficiente para llevaros una idea de los encantos de esta ciudad! Si contáis con más tiempo, podéis ir a visitar alguno de los pueblecitos cercanos, cosa que nosotras sí hicimos y os contaré en los próximos posts!!
Espero que os guste!!
Muchos besos!
I wanted to share this travel guide with you! You have asked me a lot of questions about this getaway, so in this post and another one that I will ask about Alsace villages I will try to summarize everything!
Our trip has lasted four days in which, basically, we have visited Strasbourg, Colmar, Eguisheim and Frankfurt.
We fly from Madrid to Frankfurt, almost everyone does so because the route is direct and there are usually flights at cheaper prices. Once at the Frankfurt airport, we took an approximately two-hour train that took us to the city of Strasbourg.
At the time of looking for accommodation we were clear that it would be best to stay as close as possible to Petite France, one of the most tourist areas of the city. Finally we stayed at the Hotel Kaijoo, it belongs to the Happy Culture chain and it was a resounding certain. It took us 5 minutes on foot to the train station, which allowed us to walk both the day we arrived and the one we left, we don't need to take any means of transportation. Our room was familiar, we had a double bed and at least six single beds. The hotel breakfast was simply exquisite, highlighting its pastries and cheeses, how could it be otherwise in France.
The entire Petite France area surrounds the hotel, and the commercial area is also very close. You can't miss the cathedral, it's an imposing monument, admission is free and as a curiosity I will tell you that its bell tower was the tallest building in the world for more than two centuries. When you are there you will see that it is difficult to take a picture from close up and that it looks whole!
Another part of the city worth visiting is where the headquarters of the European institutions are located. We don't enter to visit them because they didn't fit us by schedule, but if you plan it you can do it. To go there you can take an uber or a tram.
Apart from cheese (something I love) I tried the tarte flambée, a typical dish of the region. I have explained to everyone what it is in this way: a kind of pizza, but with the base of a crepe, to my taste, delicious.
As for the weather, if you are fast and you are not going to enter many museums, with a day or a day and a half is more than enough to get you an idea of the charms of this city! If you have more time, you can go to visit one of the nearby villages, which we did and will tell you in the next posts!
I hope you like it!!
Lots of kisses!
Our trip has lasted four days in which, basically, we have visited Strasbourg, Colmar, Eguisheim and Frankfurt.
We fly from Madrid to Frankfurt, almost everyone does so because the route is direct and there are usually flights at cheaper prices. Once at the Frankfurt airport, we took an approximately two-hour train that took us to the city of Strasbourg.
At the time of looking for accommodation we were clear that it would be best to stay as close as possible to Petite France, one of the most tourist areas of the city. Finally we stayed at the Hotel Kaijoo, it belongs to the Happy Culture chain and it was a resounding certain. It took us 5 minutes on foot to the train station, which allowed us to walk both the day we arrived and the one we left, we don't need to take any means of transportation. Our room was familiar, we had a double bed and at least six single beds. The hotel breakfast was simply exquisite, highlighting its pastries and cheeses, how could it be otherwise in France.
The entire Petite France area surrounds the hotel, and the commercial area is also very close. You can't miss the cathedral, it's an imposing monument, admission is free and as a curiosity I will tell you that its bell tower was the tallest building in the world for more than two centuries. When you are there you will see that it is difficult to take a picture from close up and that it looks whole!
Another part of the city worth visiting is where the headquarters of the European institutions are located. We don't enter to visit them because they didn't fit us by schedule, but if you plan it you can do it. To go there you can take an uber or a tram.
Apart from cheese (something I love) I tried the tarte flambée, a typical dish of the region. I have explained to everyone what it is in this way: a kind of pizza, but with the base of a crepe, to my taste, delicious.
As for the weather, if you are fast and you are not going to enter many museums, with a day or a day and a half is more than enough to get you an idea of the charms of this city! If you have more time, you can go to visit one of the nearby villages, which we did and will tell you in the next posts!
I hope you like it!!
Lots of kisses!

Jeans: Bershka old
Botines/Booties: Springfield
Bolso/Bag: YSL
Sombrero/Hat: Lack of Color
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