Se os ocurre una forma mejor de empezar este año que de color rojo y brillando??
Creo que la suerte nos tendrá que sonreir por necesidad!
El look que os enseño hoy no es un traje completo, por un lado está el conjunto de top y pantalón y luego la blazer, y aunque no son exactamente del mismo tono, creo que hacen un combo precioso.
Creo que la suerte nos tendrá que sonreir por necesidad!
El look que os enseño hoy no es un traje completo, por un lado está el conjunto de top y pantalón y luego la blazer, y aunque no son exactamente del mismo tono, creo que hacen un combo precioso.
Lo he combinado con zapatos y pendientes llamativos pero mucho más relajados, para no restarle nada de importancia al estilismo!
Espero que os guste!
Espero que os guste!
Can you think of a better way to start this year than red and bright?
I think that luck will have to smile out of necessity!
The look that I show you today is not a complete suit, on the one hand there is the set of top and pants and then the blazer, and although they are not exactly the same tone, I think they make a beautiful combo.
I have combined it with striking shoes and earrings but much more relaxed, so as not to detract from the importance of styling!
I hope you like it!
I think that luck will have to smile out of necessity!
The look that I show you today is not a complete suit, on the one hand there is the set of top and pants and then the blazer, and although they are not exactly the same tone, I think they make a beautiful combo.
I have combined it with striking shoes and earrings but much more relaxed, so as not to detract from the importance of styling!
I hope you like it!

Blazer: Shein aquí/here
Traje/Suit: Shein aquí/here
get an additional 15% off BF19858
Sandalias/Sandals: Zara
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